Native Calendar


Native Calendar is built natively in FileMaker using one table a portal and button bars to create an expandable calendar grid. Any table can be used for the calendar provided there are at least six records and a calculation field set to Get ( RecordNumber ). Global and layout variables make the calendar dynamic and modular.

Bare Bones Installation

The bare bones example in this file gives you the basic framework of the calendar.

1. Set up a Cartesian relationship to a table with a calculation field set to Get (RecordNumber ) and at least 6 records.

2. Copy and paste the barebones Calendar Group and past to a layout based on the parent table of the above relationship. 

3. Open the hide calculation dialog on the portal and select the Get ( Record Number ) field from the child side of the above relationship.

Note: Native Calendar can be setup on a found set portal without the need for a relationship. However it will be used in webDirect this will result in a scroll bar on the left side of the portal. When based on a relationship you set the portal to not allow scrolling. A found set portal does not offer that option.

Price: Free

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